Cute sneakers are easy to find, but comfortable and cute is another story! Comfortable sneakers are a must for me now so when AKK shoes reached out to me about trying their sneakers I didn’t hesitate. This Akk shoes review is fully my opinion. I was offered a pair of sneakers in turn for an honest review.

If you’re like me, wearing sneakers that are uncomfortable all day long and/or for working out can cause leg and back pain. I’ve learned my lesson years ago and now will only buy sneakers that are good for my feet! In the past, I would buy any shoes that looked so cute, but as I get older I’m noticing that protecting my feet and posture is really important. So good support is a must for sneakers.
I’m happy to say that these AKK sneakers are a new favorite sneaker of mine! I wasn’t too surprised at how much I liked them as I did some research ahead of receiving them. I found that Women’s Health rated them one of the The 15 Best Stylish Walking Shoes For Women In 2022 and they have almost 6k positive reviews on Amazon!
Here are the AKK sneakers I received. I chose the peach color and I couldn’t be happier about it! They are so pretty. The color is perfect for Spring and Summer. It’s a beautiful peach color and looks exactly like the color that is shown on the Amazon site.
When I first put these on my immediate thought was how comfortable and light they felt on my feet! It’s really amazing how light these are! They do not feel heavy or clunky at all. The sole looks heavy, but don’t be fooled by the looks. These will have you feeling light on your feet all day. They also add a little extra height too which I love!
The breathable upper mesh allows the sneaker to expand with your foot as you move and reduces irritation when working out.

The memory foam insole is pretty amazing. It just makes these sneakers super comfortable.
There is excellent arch support as well. I am flat footed so the arch support is really important to me. The insoles also have moisture-wicking to help your feet stay cool

The tongue of the sneaker is attached to the shoe so these just slip right on your feet. The soles are skid resistant as well.
I wore these from 7 in the morning until 8 at night the other day and my feet didn’t hurt at all. I was really impressed with how great my feet felt all day long.
These would also be ideal for nurses or anyone that has a job where they don’t get many chances to sit down!

These sneakers would also be a good option if you need a reasonably priced sneaker for indoor use. I know that some of you have outdoor sneakers and indoor sneakers. These would be perfect for indoors as they will have you feeling comfortable all day long while still looking cute!
I got my normal size 11. If there was and 11 1/2 I would have tried them. The 11 fits well, but I could use a smidge more length. These would work fine on someone with wide feet too as the mesh allows for extra room. Half sizes are available as well!
These sneakers are less than $50! The price varies depending on the color you choose. The ones I have are only $36.54 right now.
You can find AKK Shoes at Walmart and Amazon.
Right now, Amazon carries this specific style and a few others as well. There are a variety of other colors to choose from as you can see below.

Shop the AKK sneakers on Amazon HERE
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