Have you ever wondered if there is something else you can do to fight the again process besides topical creams and skincare regimens? Are you seeing the signs of aging and wondering if there is anything you can do to slow it down? Besides using the best skincare we can fight wrinkles and the aging process from the inside as well. We need to avoid the top foods that cause wrinkles in addition to using a good skincare regimen.
We can’t keep eating whatever we want and making unhealthy choices and expect it to not take a toll on our skin eventually. Aging is inevitable of course, but there are many things we can do to “fight” the process and help slow it down.
No need to assist it right?
Today I’m doing a quick rundown of the main foods to avoid if you want to get serious about fighting premature aging.
Foods That Cause Wrinkles
Processed Sweets and Candy

Number one food that causes wrinkles ….
Anything with processed S U G A R!!!!
It’s the worst!! I mean, I love it so much, but it’s really bad for us. Not only for health reasons, but it can also destroy our skin. Sugar causes inflammation which leads to the loss of skin elasticity and wrinkles.
Sugar does so much damage to our skin by breaking down the collagen and elastin. That is what keeps our skin looking taut and youthful!! So that means too much sugar is going to give us fine lines, wrinkles, dark circles and sagging skin.
Sugar is found in processed sweets like cakes, granola bars and cereals just to name a few. Check the amount of sugar that is in the foods you buy and try to stay away from corn syrup or high fructose corn syrup. These are also forms of sugar. SO the label may not have the ingredient sugar listed, but you will see high fructose corn syrup in place of it. I always make sure that anything I buy doesn’t have high fructose corn syrup in it. Most packed sweets like cakes and donuts will have it. Very difficult to avoid. You can avoid it in cereal though.
Limit your sugar intake to 6 teaspoons a day which is about 40 grams of sugar.(Source) Try to get your sugar from natural sources like fruits and vegetables.
Soda and Fruit Juices

More Sugar….Once again these drinks are loaded up with it! One can of soda will use up the recommended daily limit of sugar per day of about 40 grams.
While fruit juices may seem healthy they have so many added sugars that make them very unhealthy. Believe it or not, fruit juices can contain as much sugar as soda!
Can you believe that a 12 oz glass of apple juice contains as much sugar as a 12 oz glass of soda?! I think of how often kids are given apple juice as a healthy option , but the loaded sugar content cancels out anything remotely healthy in that juice! (Source)
Look for low sugar drinks or skip them completely and eat real fruit instead!
Check out these tips on reducing your sugar intake and find ideas on healthy sugar substitutes to get you looking and feeling your best. These are all things I have done to slowly cut back on sugar and I’ve never looked back!
White Bread

Refined carbs that are high on the glycemic index cause inflammation in the body. White bread has absolutely no nutrients at all. Since it causes our insulin to spike it creates inflammation in the body which directly impacts the aging process. Opt for whole-grain or whole wheat breads instead of white bread.
Also, make sure the first ingredient says Whole Grain or Whole Wheat. Sometimes bread is marketed as whole grain, but if you look at the ingredient list enriched flour is the first listed. That means that it’s not the real deal so the first ingredient needs to says whole wheat or whole grain.
In addition, choose breads that have No High Fructose Corn Syrup added. The bread I buy has that noted right on the front of the package.
Hot Dogs, Bacon And Processed Meats

Photo by Nicolas Postiglioni from Pexels
All these are high in saturated fats and nitrates which also cause inflammation. You can see the pattern here….. Inflammation is BAD and we want to avoid foods that cause it. Inflammation causes premature aging so that means eat these foods in moderation!
Frozen Food Dinners and Salty Snacks

Photo by icon0.com from Pexels
Salt is lurking in so many of our foods. Sodium will make us look puffy and bloated and can make your skin look dehydrated. It’s amazing how much salt is in frozen and processed foods. Check your labels because not all snack food is creating equally! You can find lower sodium pretzels(even if they are not marked that way). Even for some foods that seem healthy, you will be surprised at how much salt they are loaded up with. Check those labels!
Related Post: How To Look Healthy

While caffeine is not necessarily bad for you , too much of it is. It can cause sleep deprivation and keep you tossing and turning all night. This in turn can cause wrinkles and dark circles under the eyes. Studies show that lack of sleep can cause premature aging and can even inhibit the bodies ability to recover after sun exposure (Source).
Make sure you’re not overdoing it on caffeine or drinks that contain caffeine.(As discussed earlier, try to stay away from soda anyway because of the sugar content!)
Conclusion: Food Can Cause Wrinkles!
As you can see, your diet does affect the aging process and what you eat everyday matters! A poor diet causes inflammation which breaks down collagen and DNA and accelerates the aging process.
You may not see the results instantly from changing your eating habits, but gradually you will start to see the changes. Your skin will look brighter and your eyes will too!
It’s never too late to change, so start cutting back today and you won’t regret it. Your body will thank you as you will also start seeing health benefits by avoiding these foods and will most likely lose weight as well!
Now that you know the foods that cause wrinkles you should know that they are foods that help PREVENT wrinkles! These Foods Will Make Your Skin Glow !

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