Finding out your pregnant is the most exciting news you’ll ever hear!! However, along with it tends to come lots of questions and concerns. Does Skincare in pregnancy matter? Is your pregnancy skincare routine safe?
We know that what we put into our bodies matters, but often times women don’t realize that what we put on our skin matters as well.
During pregnancy, our body is going through a lot of changes. Hormones are increasing and that usually means acne or other skin concerns are going to become an issue for us. At least was for me it was! That’s what prompted me to start researching acne and pregnancy.
However, what I ended up finding out is that I needed to change all of my skincare because what I was using wasn’t safe!
Not only do we have to deal with new skin issues while being pregnant, but we can’t just use any skincare to treat ourselves!
Today I want to share with you what I found in my research of ingredients we need to avoid in our skincare products.
This is not an exhaustive list, but just a few of the main ingredients that most top doctors and dermatologists recommend to avoid or use minimally.
Pregnancy Safe Skincare
Top Ingredients to Avoid:
Salicylic Acid
When taken orally this is know to cause birth defects. While it has not been studied in pregnant women doctors says it’s best to use only in minimal amounts topically such a a toner. Strong chemical peels will also use salicylic acid so stay away from them as well during pregnancy.
Glycolic Acid
Love this stuff!! I was using a glycolic face wash and night cream before I became pregnant. It’s wonderful as it exfoliates and really helps keep acne at baby.
However, this is another one that has not been tested on pregnant women and is advised that you use in minimal amounts topically or stay away from completely. WebMD says it’s safe to use while Baby Center says use sparingly.
My Doctor’s advice was to stop using my night cream since that stays on my skin overnight and really gets absorbed. She was okay with a glycolic face wash, but I decided to stay away from it altogether just to be safe.
Benzoyl Peroxide–
Found in most acne treatments. It is used to treat mild and moderate acne. I have read that it’s okay to use this sparingly and then also that it should be avoided completely! My doctor and dermatologist both wanted me to stay away from this.
Retin- A
This ingredient can be found in most anti wrinkle creams and acne medications. Retin- A works wonders on wrinkles as it promotes cell turnover, but it is a big no no for using during pregnancy!! There are no studies showing that topical Retin A causes birth defects, but they do know that oral Retin A does. Therefore, avoid this ingredient altogether. Here are a few ingredients to look out for in your creams Renova, Retin-A, Differin, Tazorac, and generic tretinoin. These are all forms of Retin A.
All experts agree that Retinol is the main ingredient that you definitely want to avoid in your skincare during pregnancy.
Sources for reference WebMD and Baby Center
What Skincare is Safe To Use During Pregnancy?
I spent so much time researching this because I wanted to make sure I chose good skincare while doing what was best for my baby.
I tried a few different products, but some would make me break out.
In addition, a lot of the products were really expensive and I couldn’t afford to spend a lot at the time on skincare.
I want to save you some time and hopefully give you a starting point so you can then do your own research.
Products I Used During Pregnancy:

Seaweed Night Cream- This is a really good nourishing night cream that hydrates well while you sleep. It’s oil free and a little of this goes a long way!
Control Moisturizer for Oily Skin- I was breaking out a lot in my first trimester so I wanted a moisturizer in the day that was light weight.
Olive Eye Cream- This moisturizes under the eye so well! Definitely does it’s job in keeping my under eyes hydrated and gives a smooth base for concealer. This is another cream where a little goes a long way.
Drying Cream- I used this cream to treat acne breakouts. I stopped using anything that had benzoyl peroxide and this became my new acne treatment. This was the only acne treatment I could find that was safe and that worked! I still use this product for breakouts. Take a look at the reviews as well! Some pregnant women with cystic acne had success with this product too. It’s worth a try!
CeraVe Hydrating Face Wash- Lightweight and gentle face wash. Non-foaming.
CeraVe Moisturizing Cream – I used this for my body lotion. Hands down my favorite moisturizer ever for the body. I apply it immediately after the shower and my skin stays smooth all day. CeraVe is such a great brand that always puts out quality products. I also use this on my kids. Pediatricians always recommend this brand.
I had each one of the above skincare treatments approved by my doctor. I also continued to use these products while breastfeeding. Mario Badescu and CeraVe have many other products that are safe as well so if you’re not sure if these suit your skin type search through all their other products!
Here are two other brands that I hear great things about. I did not use these brands but wanted to bring them to your attention because they are known for their safe pregnancy products.
Belli Beauty– I have never tried their products before, but they design their products specifically for pregnancy. They range in price, but there are definitely affordable options. Their goal is to provide you with the safest skincare during pregnancy.
Cetaphil- this is another trusted brand that Doctor’s always recommend. Not only during pregnancy, but for our babies as well!
Check With Your Doctor
With all that being said, please check with your doctor on all these products!!! I am not a medical professional (See Disclaimer)and I’ m just sharing what worked for me and what I found in my research:)
Here are two separate sources, BabyCenter and WebMD that I have used in the past and that will help you further your research if needed.
Some is conflicting as I mentioned earlier, as Benzoyl peroxide is a definite no from Web MD, but BabyCenter says to use sparingly.
No matter what you decide, most importantly, don’t stress about this!
Talk to your doctor and they can help you if you’re not sure. Write down the ingredients of your skincare or bring it into your next appointment.
Sadly, this wasn’t brought up at any of my first trimester appointments for some reason. Yet, when I brought in a list and asked if my skincare was safe they told me some were not! If I didn’t do the research I would have never known!!
Well, I hope this has helped you in finding safe skincare during pregnancy.
If you are looking for a safe sunscreen, you may like the Cotz Tinted Primer with SPF 40. It’s an all natural sunscreen that is top rated by EWG.
Let me know if you try any of these products!
Best of luck to you in your pregnancy!
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