Toddler Handprint Flowers| Nanny She Can Do
Handprint crafts are the best gifts! I love when my kids make them for me. I like to display them in frames so I can see them all year round. It’s so fun to look back on because they grow so fast!

Heart Strawberry Craft| Housing a Forest
My favorite craft of the whole bunch! This is so sweet. Simple and adorable!

I Love You To Pieces |Fun Learning For Kids
This adorable craft is super simple because it has the free printable. All your kids need to do is glue cut up pieces of tissue or construction paper in the heart! My kind of craft….

Love Bug Fingerprint Card|Thrifty Mom
This is precious and would be perfect for a Grandparent’s Valentine’s Day card. This kind of card is a keeper and your kids will have fun doing it because what kid doesn’t love to use paint!

Hershey Kiss Craft |Crafty Morning
This craft can be done on a whim because you probably already have everything in your home. Foil and pink construction paper is pretty much all you need. I think it would be cute to make little ones of these kisses and use them as a Valentine card cover.

Bee My Valentine|From Abc To Acts
Pipe cleaners , construction paper and googly eyes are all you need to create this adorable little bee!

Emoji Valentines|Housing A Forest
My boys are going to love this!! What a great idea! These can be used as Valentine’s to hand out or you can just glue the different emoji’s to one card to give to a parent, teacher, grandparent etc..

Heart Fingerprint Tree | Easy Peasy and Fun
I did this craft a few years ago with my kids and they had a lot of fun doing it. I drew the base of the tree and then they scattered their fingerprints throughout. Turned out great!

Fishy Valentine|Glued To My Crafts Blog
This craft requires a pack of foam hearts, but if you don’t want to run out and buy them use construction paper!

Valentine Frame|Craft Create Cook
Love this for a grandparent or parent gift! Instead of the I love you in the frame you can put a picture of the kids. It looks pretty with the red button and pink buttons, but if you don’t have them on hand you could always use buttons of different colors, cut out hearts and glue them on or use foam stickers.

Bouquet of Hearts Card|Make and Takes
The simple touch of that bow on the bouquet makes this card so precious doesn’t it? I hope my kids make this for me this year:)

Heart Robot Craft| Non Toy Gifts
What kid doesn’t love using old toilet paper rolls for crafts? Mine are always asking to keep ours! This craft is silly so my kids will love it. We typically always have googly eyes and pipe cleaners on hand which makes this a nice last minute craft to pull out. I would just wrap the bottom of the robot in foil.

Valentine Mouse| Non Toy Gifts
Another paper roll craft that can easily be recreated by cutting construction paper in the shape of hearts and whiskers and gluing them onto the roll. If I don’t have supplies on hand I always just improvise! Kids are happy either way!

The easiest way to get craft supplies is to order through Amazon. I use Amazon for everything!! Amazon prime is LIFE changing, seriously. It saves me so much time and it also saves me money. I was hesitant to get it at first , but I don’t know what I would do without it now. Click here if you would like to try a month for free.